"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
- George Patton -
Golden Nuggets
► [2:05] - Majored in alcoholism, Minored in hangovers
► [3:40] - Go between for people that knew a lot about business and a lot about technology
► [7:12] - Embedded our technology in their platforms
► [8:20] - Hit the five million dollar wall
► [15:07] - Center of the Universe
► [19:30] - They liked the competitor better than us
► [21:31] - Strategy drives structure
► [22:15] - Are you stubborn or tenacious?
► [25:36] - Surround yourself with the best
► [27:40] - All Swifties meeting
► [28:13] - Time for discussions and time for lectures
► [28:45] - Learn fast
► [29:15] - Living the exclamation
► [30:58] - Starting on the path to irrelevance
► [34:55] - You will alienate one or more generations if
► [36:04] - Voice interaction
► [44:01] - China has dramatically changed
► [56:31] - Two lists - A List and List of Successes
► [57:53] - Never satisfied with what they currently know
H. John Oechsle is chief executive officer at contact management and an email marketing software provider, Swiftpage.
John has a 30-year track record of building highly profitable and sustainable revenue growth for emerging companies and established global leaders. He has been recognized several times for his involvement in the tech industry.
John and Swiftpage are promoting the 30th anniversary of the company's flagship CRM
software solution, Act!. Act! was one of the first CRM software solutions to launch all the
way back in 1987 and Swiftpage purchased the product from Sage North America in
Since then, John and Swiftpage have worked hard to put Act! back on top through
innovative technology and forward-thinking solutions to meet the needs of today's
SwiftPage.com/John-Oechsle.htm | IBM.com/Watson | WeChat.com/en | KitsTek.org
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